The enthralling but tragic story of Mary Ann Bevan

In the 19th century, Mary Ann Bevan, once a respected nurse in East London, fell victim to acromegaly, a disorder causing facial deformities due to excessive growth hormone. After her husband’s death, she faced financial struggles as a single mother. Desperate, she responded to a circus ad seeking the “ugliest woman.” Despite her reluctance, the agent assured her £10 per week and travel expenses to provide for her children.

Photos labeled her “the ugliest woman on Earth,” attracting attention to Dreamland Circus in Coney Island. Neurosurgeon Harvey Cushing, recognizing her condition, expressed interest in studying her case. Mary Ann endured the circus life, earning enough to send her children back to England for education.

In the sideshow, Cushing observed her plight, emphasizing her acromegaly in a letter to Time magazine. Despite the hardships, Mary Ann’s sacrifice for her children remained remarkable. She passed away at 59, buried in her homeland, England. Her poignant story transcends her physical appearance, echoing a mother’s unwavering love.

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