Someone Opened My Attic Door Every Day – I Found a Note: ‘Come to the Attic at Midnight. ALONE,’ My Heart Sank

Celia inherited her grandparents’ house, filled with memories and warmth. But after moving in, unsettling things began to happen, including the attic door mysteriously opening each night. One evening, she found a chilling note stuck to the kitchen door: “Come to the attic at midnight. Come ALONE.”

Fearful, Celia called her best friend, Laura, who urged her to be cautious. Despite the anxiety, Celia decided to confront whatever awaited her.

At midnight, she climbed the creaky stairs to the attic. Her flashlight revealed a shadowy figure in the corner, but as she approached, it turned out to be a dummy. Relief washed over her, but it was short-lived when her neighbor, Mr. Evans, suddenly appeared.

He admitted to sneaking into her house, leaving the notes in an attempt to scare her into selling the property at a low price. Angered, Celia ordered him out and called the police the next morning.

Determined to protect her home, she changed the locks, installed a security system, and set up cameras. A few days later, as she sipped her coffee on the porch, she locked eyes with Mr. Evans, no longer afraid. This was her home, and she wasn’t going anywhere.

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