Richard Gere first refused to do ‘Pretty Woman’ but Julia Roberts used three words to win him over

1. Casting Decisions: Julia Roberts’ Persuasion

In the beloved “Pretty Woman,” Julia Roberts played a pivotal role in casting Richard Gere as Edward. Charles Grodin was a strong contender until Roberts convinced Gere, shaping a decision that defined his career. The 2015 reunion shed light on these hidden truths.

2. Evolution of the Story: From Dark to Heartwarming

Originally titled “3000,” the film started with a darker narrative, tracing a drug-addicted prostitute’s somber journey. Garry Marshall and Disney transformed it into the heartwarming tale we know. Gere’s initial hesitation gave way to enthusiasm due to the undeniable chemistry with Roberts.

3. Garry Marshall’s Touch: Fostering Chemistry

Garry Marshall, renowned for films like “Runaway Bride,” orchestrated the perfect pairing by fostering a genuine connection between Roberts and Gere off-screen. Roberts’ note to Gere, saying, “Please say yes,” turned his reluctance into enthusiasm, sealing his fate in the film.

4. Unveiling More Secrets: Casting Considerations and Behind-the-Scenes Anecdotes

Several actors were considered for Edward’s role, including Christopher Reeve, Denzel Washington, and Daniel Day-Lewis. Sandra Bullock, Kristin Davis, and Sarah Jessica Parker declined Vivian’s role. Behind-the-scenes anecdotes, like tickling Roberts’ feet for laughter, enrich the film’s history.

In conclusion, “Pretty Woman” stands as a testament to fate and the enduring chemistry between Julia Roberts and Richard Gere, transforming a darker narrative into a timeless love story.

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