Rich Man Humiliates Boy Shining Shoes in Underpass

Martin, a 14-year-old boy, shined shoes in an underpass to support his paralyzed mother and sister. One day, a wealthy man named Sylvester stopped by, impatiently demanding a quick shine. Despite Martin’s efforts, Sylvester insulted him, claiming, “My dog could do better,” and left without paying the $7 Martin desperately needed.

The next day, Martin witnessed Sylvester choking on an apple in his car. Without hesitation, Martin broke the window and saved his life. Grateful, Sylvester apologized for his behavior and offered to repay him generously. Martin declined anything beyond the $7 he was owed, saying he just wanted to care for his family.

The following morning, Martin found a bag of cash on his doorstep with a note from Sylvester, thanking him and wishing him happiness. Martin, torn between accepting or declining the money, decided to keep it after reflecting on his father’s words.

With newfound hope, Martin took his mother to the doctor, bought groceries, and celebrated with his sister, knowing he had stayed true to his values while helping his family.

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