Palmistry, practiced in China and India for over 5,000 years, reveals insights about a person’s future by analyzing the lines on their palm. The three primary lines are the Heart Line, positioned at the top; the Head Line, running across the middle; and the Life Line, curving around the base of the thumb.
These lines can change over time, influenced by personality, experiences, and life choices. The Life Line represents life events and vitality, with its length indicating stability but not lifespan. The Heart Line governs emotions and relationships, while the Head Line reflects intellectual abilities and thought processes.
A rare but powerful mark, the Angel Line (or Luck Line), runs from the base of the wrist to the middle finger and is linked to career success, motivation, and social status. It parallels the Life Line and is believed to signify strong ambition and the presence of a guardian angel, offering protection and guidance during difficult times. If you have the Angel Line, consider yourself fortunate, as it may bring exceptional luck and turn obstacles into opportunities.