My Stepdaughter Demanded I Give Up My Hobby Because Her Mother Has the Same One

Following a peaceful divorce, David and Sasha moved on with their new partners. However, their ten-year-old daughter, Emma, struggled with the change. When she saw Vanessa, her stepmother, get an opportunity taken from her mother, Emma voiced her frustration.

When I married David, I knew his daughter, Emma, would have trouble accepting me. Despite their peaceful split, Emma couldn’t get past the fact that I was David’s new wife.

One morning, Emma stormed into my art studio, angry that I was painting. “You need to stop painting! Mom paints too, and it’s not fair you got into the gallery and she didn’t!” she shouted before running out.

I reached out to Sasha, hoping to find a solution together. When Emma arrived home, she found Sasha and me waiting with tea and scones. “Am I in trouble?” she asked nervously.

“No, sweetie,” Sasha reassured her. “We just want to understand why you’re upset.”

“It’s not fair. Mom works hard too,” Emma explained.

“Art isn’t about competition,” Sasha said. “It’s about expression and joy.”

I added, “I admire your mom’s work. How about we all create something together?”

Emma smiled, and we started a collaborative project. Over the weeks, we transformed a blank canvas into a masterpiece, blending our styles.

At the gallery debut, our artwork drew a crowd for its beauty and the story it represented—a family pieced together with care and understanding.

“Thank you,” Emma said, holding my hand.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” I replied, squeezing her hand, proud of our new beginning.

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