My Sister-in-Law Despises Our Christmas Gifts & Sends Demanding Wishlist to Entire Family This Year

A Reddit user, 30, planned to host family for Christmas, but tensions arose when sister-in-law Amy sent out a demanding gift list for herself and her kids.

Amy, known for dissatisfaction with gifts, previously reacted negatively to a top-notch coffee maker. This history set the stage for the Christmas drama.

“I also said that if [Amy] didn’t like what she received for Christmas she was welcome to just leave it at my house,” explained OP.

A few days before Christmas, Amy sent out an email insisting on expensive gifts, causing frustration for the host and her parents. The list included “expensive perfumes, links to expensive clothing items, and designer handbags.”

A sad woman sitting beside a Christmas tree | Source: Flickr

The host expressed disagreement, suggesting alternatives and pointing out the entitlement. Despite support from her sister Lucia, her brother Chris defended Amy’s intentions, leading to family tension.

The Reddit post gained traction, with most commenters siding with the host. Amy’s demands were widely criticized as the family grappled with conflicting views on gift-giving values.

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