My New Wife Demanded I Use My Late Wife’s Money Left for Our Kids on Her Daughters — My Lesson Was Strict

I never imagined my new wife, Gaby, would go after the money Edith left for our daughters. It was meant for their future, not hers. When Gaby confronted me, demanding that the trust fund be shared with her daughters, I stood firm.

“That money is for my girls,” I said. “We’ll support your daughters from our joint income, but Edith’s fund stays untouched.”

Gaby’s eyes narrowed. “You’re choosing your late wife over us?”

“No. I’m honoring Edith’s wishes and protecting our girls’ future,” I replied, determined.

In the weeks that followed, tension filled our home. Gaby tried to guilt me, but I refused to give in. I set up a separate account for her daughters, funded by both of us, but Gaby wasn’t satisfied. She wanted more.

One evening, after tucking the girls in, Gaby confronted me again. “They deserve equal support.”

“They all deserve our love and help,” I responded, keeping calm. “But we won’t take from what’s not ours.”

As time passed, the arguments faded but resentment lingered. Watching our daughters play, Gaby remarked, “It could’ve been better if you’d listened.”

“No, Gaby. It wouldn’t have been fair.”

She stormed off, but I felt a sense of relief. She’d learned her lesson—I wasn’t someone she could manipulate. I’d protect my daughters, and their future, no matter the cost.

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