My In-Laws Invited Us to an Expensive Fancy Restaurant, Slid the Bill to My Husband and Me to Pay

A woman posted on Reddit about her in-laws always expecting her and her husband to pay for meals. She and her 40-year-old husband, both foodies, often dined out and sometimes invited their in-laws, covering the bill. However, the in-laws started assuming the couple would always pay.

Once, her in-laws invited them to a restaurant and handed the bill to her husband without looking at it. He paid without comment. The second time, at a pricier restaurant, the mother-in-law again gave the bill to her husband, which annoyed the woman. She finally commented on her in-laws always making them pay.

When her husband mentioned her work achievement, the mother-in-law suggested celebrating at an upscale restaurant. Hearing this, the woman asked, “Who’s paying?” Her husband called her rude, saying they could afford it while his parents couldn’t. The in-laws felt embarrassed and wanted an apology.

The woman suggested celebrating the in-laws’ anniversary at a fancy restaurant instead. The in-laws disagreed, considering splitting the bill rude. Despite the husband’s initial reaction, he later apologized and acknowledged his parents’ entitlement. They decided to hold off the dinner until the anniversary, with the couple agreeing to continue their quarterly meals but declining further invites from the in-laws.

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