My Husband’s Friend Brought a DNA Test to Our Gender-Reveal Party – Later, She Wished She Could Sink into the Ground

When Annie and Josh threw a gender-reveal party to celebrate their long-awaited pregnancy, they never expected it to turn into a shocking revelation. Their journey had been filled with love, but also struggles with fertility. Finally expecting their first baby, they wanted to share their joy with family and friends, including Josh’s best friend, Sarah, who had always been cold toward Annie.

On the day of the party, the backyard was decorated with pink and blue, and everyone was excited. However, Sarah caused a scene by announcing she had proof that the baby wasn’t Josh’s, holding up a DNA test envelope. Josh’s face turned pale, but he quickly took control.

“Sarah, what the hell are you talking about?” Annie asked, her voice trembling.

Josh stepped forward and revealed, “It’s not my child…biologically. But the baby is mine. I’m sterile. We used a donor.”

Gasps and whispers filled the air. Josh continued, “Annie suggested we adopt, but I wanted her to experience motherhood biologically.”

Sarah, realizing her mistake, was ordered to leave. Josh and Annie then pulled the strings on the reveal box, and pink balloons and confetti filled the air. “We’re having a girl!” Annie exclaimed, tears of joy streaming down her face.

The rest of the party was filled with love and support. As the sun set, Josh and Annie sat together, watching their guests enjoy the evening. “No matter what happens, we’re going to be okay,” Josh said softly. Annie leaned on his shoulder, feeling at peace. “You’re right. We’re going to be just fine.”

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