My Fiancée Wore a Black Dress to Our Wedding – When I Found Out Her Reason, My Life Was Never the Same

On my wedding day, I stood at the altar, eagerly awaiting Jane in the beautiful white gown we’d chosen together. Instead, she walked down the aisle in a long black dress, her eyes filled with rage. My heart sank as she revealed, “I’m wearing black to mourn our love because your mother told me you’ve been cheating on me with Lauren.”

I was stunned. “That’s not true, Jane! Lauren and I are just friends. I don’t know why my mom would say that.”

Jane’s eyes filled with tears. “She also said you’re using me to save your bankrupt family business. Is it true?”

I pleaded, “I’m not lying! My family’s struggling, but I love you, not your money.”

Jane shook her head. “I know your secret about hiding your family’s finances. I can’t trust you anymore.”

Desperate, I explained, “My mom never liked you. She’s been trying to sabotage us because she hates me. I found out my biological father isn’t who I thought he was, and my mom took everything when he left.”

Jane’s expression softened with sympathy. “You should have been honest from the start. I can’t live with secrets.”

With that, she walked away, leaving me shattered. Despite confronting my mother and trying to reach Jane, she never answered my calls. I lost the love of my life to lies and deceit.

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