My 7-Year-Old Son Kept Coming Home from School Upset — the Reason Left Me Stunned

When we moved to a new city for Sarah’s new job, our son Derril was thrilled about his new school, especially because of its focus on soccer. However, soon after the move, things took a troubling turn.

One day, Derril came home from school looking distressed. He had noticed his soccer coach, Mr. Sanders, hugging Sarah after practice. Derril, who had been excited about soccer, suddenly seemed withdrawn and troubled, claiming, “I don’t want Mr. Sanders to be my father!”

Sarah had been distant lately, but I had attributed it to her adjustment to the new job. Nevertheless, Derril’s comments were alarming. I decided to investigate. I drove to the soccer field and observed Sarah and Mr. Sanders talking closely, which fueled my concerns.

That night, I confronted Sarah about my worries. She revealed that Mr. Sanders had been helping her because he had recognized a dangerous man from his past who had been stalking her. Mr. Sanders was keeping an eye on us to ensure our safety, though he advised Sarah not to push him away to avoid alerting the stalker.

Later that evening, Derril screamed that someone was outside his window. The police arrived and apprehended the stalker, confirming Mr. Sanders’ warnings. He visited us the next day, explaining his troubled past and why he had been so vigilant.

While we were relieved that the threat was gone, I was still uncomfortable. Despite Mr. Sanders’ help, I felt uneasy about staying in the city. I wondered if relocating might be the safest option for my family.

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