In modern culture, a lot of things are categorized as belonging to boys or females. While most boys are supposed to be handy with tools and engage in sports, women are always expected to know how to cook, do laundry, and clean the house. People find it strange and humorous when boys or men perform tasks that are perceived as being the realm of women.A mother from Michigan named Nicole Boulogne faced criticism when she posted pictures of her 7-year-old kid doing the dishes and cleaning the house. Many questioned her parenting, arguing that males shouldn’t help out around the house or perform other chores because it is the realm of women.
When asked why she taught her child to behave in this way, she gave the appropriate explanation.

“Because it is my responsibility to teach these skills to my kid and prepare him to contribute to society both within and beyond the home you can teach your child valuable lessons while still allowing them to be children. For my kid, cooking and household duties are never too “manly.” He’ll be the kind of man who can check on his pot roast after changing a tire. Who has the time to mow the grass and wash their laundry at the same time? Remember, parents: A man who thinks he shouldn’t have to cook or clean up after himself was once a kid who wasn’t taught any better.”
Clearly, her mother’s side is the scientific one. According to research, kids who are allowed to assist around the house later in life learn how to assume responsibility, take calculated risks, and accomplish high ideals.
Congratulations, Nicole. We believe you are a fantastic mommy.