Man Gets Fired after Co-worker Accuses Him of $5K Theft — Years Later, Their Paths Cross at Interview

A Reddit user shared a tale of revenge against a former co-worker who orchestrated his dismissal from a job years earlier. Initially enjoying a supportive workplace, the man applied for a managerial position but was rejected due to lacking a business degree. He then pursued education, leaving on good terms.

Working elsewhere, he was framed for the disappearance of expensive jewelry by a vindictive co-worker, leading to his termination. Returning to his previous workplace years later, he learned the truth: his co-worker had stolen the jewelry to incriminate him.

Upon discovering this, he sued her for emotional distress, leading to her arrest and imprisonment for five years. Later, she unknowingly applied for a job at his current workplace, where he promptly denied her employment.

The saga concluded with the man exacting revenge, culminating in his former adversary being rejected for a position at his hands.

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