Kate Middleton recently left Windsor, marking her first outing since her undisclosed stomach surgery. The Duchess of Cambridge, aged 42, is on the road to recovery, according to a close friend. Following her hospitalization at the London Clinic, Kate retreated to her family home in Windsor to recuperate out of the public eye.
Now, it’s been revealed that Kate will spend the half-term break with her family at Sandringham, offering a change of scenery and a chance to relax while her children enjoy time with Prince William. Despite limited details about her condition, reports indicate that Kate spent 13 days in the hospital post-surgery. While there were initial concerns about her health, rumors suggesting she was placed in a coma were debunked by Kensington Palace.
Meanwhile, Sandringham also hosts King Charles, who recently began cancer treatment, though the type and stage of cancer remain undisclosed. The coincidence of both Kate and the King undergoing medical treatment around the same time has drawn attention. However, as Kate progresses in her recovery and King Charles begins his treatment journey, well-wishes pour in from supporters as they navigate these health challenges.