I Promised My Niece I’d Pay for Her Wedding Dress but Immediately Changed My Mind after Overhearing Her Phone Call

Tim made a promise to his niece, Megan, when she was just a child: he would buy her wedding dress one day. After her parents passed away, Tim stepped up to help raise her. Years later, Megan reminded Tim of that promise when she and her fiancé, Tyler, decided to get married.

Megan showed him pictures of expensive dresses, one costing $7,500. Tim, caught off guard, offered $1,500 instead. Megan was visibly disappointed, but Tim reassured her they’d find a beautiful dress together.

A few days later, Tim overheard Megan telling Tyler she planned to sell the dress and use the money for their wedding and Tyler’s car repairs. Heartbroken by the betrayal, Tim confronted her. Megan apologized, but the damage was done.

Tim withdrew his offer and refused to pay for the wedding. Megan left without another word, and weeks later, Tim heard they had a small courthouse wedding.

Despite everything, Tim was left with a deep sadness. The girl he once cared for had become a stranger, and their relationship was irreparably broken. While Tim still loved her, he realized their bond would never be the same again.

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