In 2016, a couple embarked on a renovation project in their Victorian terrace house, aiming to convert their cellar into a gym. During the cleanup process, they stumbled upon a hidden door concealed behind old wallpaper. Initially assuming it led to their neighbor’s cellar, their curiosity led them to discover a set of stone steps descending to another door.
Peeking through a hole in the door, they were met with darkness until they used a flashlight. To their horror, they saw a mysterious figure dressed in black standing motionless with its back turned. The figure began moving towards them in an unnatural, backward manner, prompting them to flee in terror.
Sealing the door behind them, they heard unsettling sounds from within the cellar, including dragging noises and hissing sounds. They called the police and waited outside with their neighbor until law enforcement arrived. Despite an investigation, no evidence of the figure was found.
The authorities discovered symbols carved into the concrete of the hidden room and traces of ancient dried blood, adding to the couple’s distress. They decided to seal off the room and never ventured into the cellar again.
The chilling discovery left the couple shaken and haunted by unanswered questions about the origin and sinister contents of the hidden room.