Jenna, a young single mom, took a spontaneous road trip with her one-year-old son, Noah, seeking solace after a divorce. Misled by her GPS, they stumbled upon a peculiar town where every roof was painted green, and modern technology was taboo. Desperate to feed Noah, Jenna entered an eerie diner where locals eyed her suspiciously. They demanded she leave her phone in the car, citing privacy concerns, but Jenna kept it close.
As she nervously ordered, two men, Bill and Frank, engaged her in unsettling conversation about the town’s isolationist rules. They warned her never to return after Noah ate, hinting at dire consequences for those who disobeyed. Jenna’s fear escalated when they revealed the town’s green roofs were meant to evade satellite detection.
Feeling trapped, Jenna hurriedly collected Noah’s food from the kitchen. The elderly waitress, sensing Jenna’s unease, slipped her some cutlery as a quiet gesture of goodwill. Jenna fled, driving until the town’s oddity faded behind her.
At a gas station, Jenna finally regained cell service and called her friend Claire, recounting the unnerving encounter. Claire reassured her, urging Jenna to stick to main roads from then on. Relieved but shaken, Jenna promised never to take such detours again, cherishing the safety of the open road ahead with Noah’s laughter filling the car.