Have I Overstepped with My Gifts for My Fiancé’s Family?

An anonymous woman shared her Christmas gifting dilemma on the “AITA” subreddit. Engaged to Noah and expecting their first child, she aimed to express gratitude to his family through thoughtful gifts. Despite Noah’s reassurance, she sensed discomfort during the celebration. Later, Noah’s family criticized her choices, labeling her a “stalker” for selecting personalized items.

The woman, with a challenging upbringing and limited family support, apologized, but her attempts to make amends were met with hostility. Despite Noah’s defense, the woman questioned her actions and sought external opinions. The situation strained her relationship with Noah’s family, prompting Noah to consider addressing the issue and reevaluating their relationship if necessary.

Quoting the woman, “They told me I had overstepped.” She acknowledged Noah’s support and expressed gratitude for Reddit’s input, emphasizing her commitment to self-improvement and therapy. The article provides context to her difficult upbringing and notes Noah’s plan to discuss the situation with his family.

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