Father Needs Son’s Help after Bringing Him up in an Abusive Childhood

In 2019, a Reddit user recounted a tumultuous upbringing marked by frequent eviction from his home by his Asian father for academic underperformance or tardiness. Despite pleas and appeals, he was repeatedly cast out, even enduring harsh weather conditions. At 16, he found refuge with a friend, ultimately leaving home for good at 18 to support himself through employment and education. Cut off from his father, he found marital happiness and impending fatherhood. When his mother passed away, his father sought reconciliation, but his request for shelter brought back painful memories. The Redditor’s initial reticence was followed by a poignant gesture—laying out a sleeping bag, symbolizing his father’s past actions. The narrative also revealed his father’s sporadic attempts at financial reconciliation, culminating in a $1500 sum kept hidden. Despite conflicting advice from his wife and friends, who cited cultural context and the father’s intentions, the Redditor grappled with feelings of betrayal and sought validation from the Reddit community, finding support for his stance against emotional abuse.

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