Dad tells wife he let 3-yr-old daughter choose her picture day outfit, then she sees the final result

The yearly class photo day is a highly wonderful occasion for kids since they get to pick their own outfits. But for some kids, it can be an unsettling experience since they are concerned about what others will think of their everyday attire, and some youngsters find it awkward to pose for pictures.

The night before her class picture, three-year-old Kaylieann Steinbach was anticipating what was about to happen when she went to bed. As she saw the clothes her parents had laid out for her, however, the joyful expectation swiftly changed into sadness.

This little girl made the choice to pick out her own clothing.

Superman and Supergirl are two of Kayliean’s favorite super heroes, but since she has severe hearing loss and cannot hear the letter “S,” she refers to them as “Pooterman” and “Pootergirl” instead.

There was no question as to what attire she wanted to wear for class pictures.

“Pootergirl!”, she told parents as they started presenting her with different outfits.

Her father, Austin Steinbach told us” “Well, I couldn’t argue with that answer.”

Kaylieann achieved her goals and wore her heroic attire. She beaming with happiness as she posed for the photographers wearing her supergirl suit and a doll.

Austin said that she frequently sports different costumes to school and that both the faculty and the students eagerly anticipate discovering which super hero suit she will don each day.

When Austin shared Kaylieann’s class photo on Reddit, he was astounded by the feedback. He received a ton of encouraging messages.

“The reaction and turnout from the deaf community is amazing,” he said. “I still haven’t been able to get through all the messages of support and kind words people have sent me. I could never have imagined how much her picture could have touched so many,” Austin Steinbach told the Huffington Post .

What a brave girl Kaylieann is she is the real super hero!

Please share the article if you think it was wonderful that Kaylieann got to fulfill her big dream!

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