Dad & Fiancée Exclude His Daughter from Their Wedding after She Already Bought a Dress & Shoes for It

A teenager faced an unexpected blow when her father and his fiancée excluded her from their wedding, despite having bought a dress and shoes for the event. She turned to Reddit’s “AITA” forum for advice.

The girl had a close relationship with her dad and had always gotten along well with her future stepmom, Anna. However, a few weeks before the wedding, her dad and Anna told her it would be a child-free event, including anyone under 18, which meant she couldn’t attend as her 18th birthday was just two days after the wedding.

On her 18th birthday, the girl posted pictures on social media, celebrating her newfound adulthood. This caused a backlash, with her dad and Anna calling her immature and selfish.

Seeking opinions, the girl asked Reddit if she was wrong for publicly expressing her feelings. The majority of responses supported her, criticizing her dad’s choice to exclude her. Some advised her to communicate her feelings and protect herself from future hurtful situations.

The girl’s story resonated with many, highlighting the complexity of family dynamics and hurtful decisions.

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