In a small workplace, tensions rose between a longstanding employee and a newly hired colleague named Karen. The conflict began when the OP expressed her dislike for dogs, which Karen perceived as a personal affront. The situation escalated when Karen started harassing the OP on Facebook, commenting negatively on pictures of her children.
Frustrated, the OP presented evidence to her boss and issued an ultimatum: either fire Karen or she would resign. Fate took a turn when Karen walked into the boss’s office during the confrontation. The boss, upon seeing the evidence, instructed Karen to leave immediately.
Karen berated the OP, expressing disbelief and emphasizing her financial situation. The online community unanimously sided with the OP, declaring her “NTA” (Not The A**hole). Users condemned Karen’s behavior, stating that harassment and negative comments about the OP’s children were unacceptable.
The general consensus was that the OP and her boss’s actions were appropriate in response to Karen’s behavior. The incident highlighted the consequences of crossing boundaries in the workplace.