While shopping for designer outfits, Sofia encounters Chloe, an old classmate now working as a shop assistant. Sofia, dripping with arrogance, mocks Chloe’s situation, flaunting her wealth and dismissing Chloe’s modest job. Chloe, maintaining her composure, offers Sofia a coffee, but Sofia’s demands are unreasonable. Chloe tries to steer the conversation to the store’s new collection, but Sofia remains condescending.
As they talk, a couple enters the store, openly affectionate. Sofia’s demeanor shifts as she recognizes her husband, Tom, with another woman. She is visibly upset but remains silent, feeling trapped by Tom’s control over their finances. Chloe notices Sofia’s distress and realizes Tom is the source of her turmoil.
Chloe encourages Sofia to confront Tom, pointing out that he seems to have already moved on. Sofia, gathering her courage, marches downstairs to confront her husband. She discovers Tom’s cruel indifference as he dismisses their marriage as a mere investment. Tom offers Sofia a gold card, a bribe to keep her silent.
Furious, Sofia rejects the offer and storms out, with Chloe following her. Outside, Chloe offers Sofia support, providing her with a place to stay and a job opportunity. Sofia, overwhelmed by the situation, accepts Chloe’s help.
Later, Tom plans to meet Sofia under the guise of reconciliation, but Chloe overhears him discussing a scheme to frame Sofia for financial fraud. Chloe warns Sofia, and they expose Tom’s deceit. Tom is arrested, leaving Sofia to deal with the fallout. Chloe assures Sofia that she’ll be there for her, and Sofia resolves to rebuild her life for herself and her baby.