Claire, the mother-of-the-groom, finds herself in a conflict with her daughter-in-law, Alice, on the day of her son’s wedding. Claire initially tries to take an active role in the wedding planning, hoping to make the day perfect for her son and showcase her vision. However, clashes arise between Claire and Alice, revealing their differing opinions and styles.
When Alice chooses her wedding dress without Claire’s input, Claire feels excluded and attempts to offer her opinion, albeit unwelcomed. In an effort to assert herself, Claire suggests an alternative dress for Alice, which inadvertently resembles Alice’s dream dress but in a different color. This choice leads to a confrontation between the two women, with Alice feeling hurt and betrayed by Claire’s actions.
While Claire may have acted with good intentions, her insistence on imposing her preferences and choosing a dress similar to Alice’s dream gown ultimately undermines Alice’s autonomy and causes unnecessary tension on the wedding day. In retrospect, Claire realizes her mistake and acknowledges that she should have been more considerate of Alice’s wishes and focused on supporting her son and daughter-in-law rather than asserting her own desires. Thus, both Claire and Alice bear some responsibility for the conflict, highlighting the importance of communication and compromise in familial relationships, especially during significant life events like weddings.