Jess, happily married to Matt, welcomed her mother’s sudden interest in spending time with her kids during summer. However, her joy turned to shock when she stumbled upon Matt and her mother holding hands at a café, confirming her suspicions of an affair. Confronted with the betrayal, Matt and her mother confessed to their relationship, claiming it was true love.
Furious and hurt, Jess swiftly made arrangements to leave, seeking refuge at her friend Sim’s place. Determined to take control of her life, she decided to divorce Matt, supported by Sim’s encouragement to pursue a fair settlement.
Despite the betrayal, Jess found solace in her friend’s support and resolved to move forward with divorce proceedings. As she contemplates her next steps, she considers exposing the affair to their family as a means of reclaiming her dignity and seeking justice for the betrayal.
With Sim’s assistance, Jess prepares to initiate divorce proceedings, determined to prioritize her well-being and that of her children. In the face of heartbreak and betrayal, Jess finds strength in her resolve to rebuild her life and secure a brighter future for herself and her daughters.