A Reddit user sought advice after her mother insisted that her mentally disabled sister, Abbie, could wear a white wedding dress to the user’s wedding. The user, busy with wedding planning, gave her mother $200 to buy Abbie a dress but was shocked when her mother and Abbie chose a white wedding dress. The user asserted her preference for no one but herself wearing white and suggested a purple version of the chosen dress for Abbie. However, her mother insisted on Abbie wearing the white dress, claiming certain rights due to Abbie’s mental disability. The user refused to treat Abbie differently and opposed the idea of her wearing white to the wedding.
When the user gave an ultimatum, her mother responded with another ultimatum, stating that either Abbie wore the chosen dress or they both would not attend the wedding. The user, taken aback, agreed to think about it. Seeking validation, she turned to the internet for advice, with most respondents supporting her stance and suggesting direct communication with Abbie. Some recommended apologizing to her mother and sister and moving forward, emphasizing that her mother’s demand was unreasonable.