Kathleen Turner, the renowned actress, has faced a life filled with challenges and triumphs. Born in Venezuela and raised in London and the U.S., she overcame her father’s sudden death during childhood and her family’s expulsion from the UK. Turner eventually pursued acting in New York, where her career took off with roles in films like “Body Heat” and “Romancing the Stone.”
Married to property developer Jay Weiss, the couple had a daughter, Rachel, but their marriage faced challenges as Turner’s acting career kept her busy. Her role in the Broadway revival of “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” marked a turning point as they separated amicably.
In the 1990s, Turner battled rheumatoid arthritis, which caused her to lose mobility in her neck and hands. She managed her pain with medication and alcohol but later went to rehab and turned to yoga and pilates for relief.
Turner’s focus on theater in her later years allowed her to explore her passions, including supporting women’s rights and feminism. She remains an advocate for women’s financial independence and reinvention. Her journey is one of resilience and dedication to her beliefs.