Renowned weatherman Al Roker faced health challenges, missing many episodes of “Today” due to blood clots in his lungs. He shared his condition on Twitter, expressing gratitude for the well-wishes. Roker’s health concerns included a prior prostate cancer diagnosis, hip, and knee surgeries. He’s a celebrated broadcaster, with a recent achievement of completing the Brooklyn Half Marathon despite health issues.
Supportive messages poured in from colleagues and friends, including Hoda Kotb, Dylan Dreyer, and Craig Melvin. Roker’s wife, Deborah, opened up about the challenges of being a caregiver during his health ordeal, emphasizing its taxing and exhausting nature. She expressed relief that Al was improving but noted the lingering mental exhaustion.
Deborah attributed her strength to her family, friends, colleagues, and her faith. Al Roker returned to “Today” on January 6, and his wife welcomed him back. The article conveys well-wishes and support for the Roker family’s journey to recovery.