People Reveal the Craziest Wills They Ever Saw

People have written some truly unexpected things in their wills, often leaving their families shocked after their demise. From disowning a child to leaving everything to a stranger, these final acts have sometimes been used to take revenge or surprise loved ones.

As people age, they begin to consider what will happen to their loved ones after they’re gone. Writing a will becomes crucial, as it dictates how their assets will be distributed. While some divide their wealth predictably, others use their wills to make shocking decisions.

A qualified solicitor shared a story about a woman who created a £100,000 trust fund for her pet goldfish, insisting it be fed fresh avocado daily. Another revealed a secret daughter, leaving her money and photos without the rest of the family knowing.

One woman left her house to a bus driver who had been kind to her, while a lawyer recalled a man who left his estate to the Toronto woman with the most children. Another odd request involved a woman who insisted on being buried with her beloved horse’s ashes.

These unusual wills often left families in disbelief, showing that people’s final wishes can be as unpredictable as life itself.

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