In the first story, a mother’s quiet lunch with her daughter, Christine, is disrupted by Christine’s boyfriend, Simon, whom the mother didn’t like. When Simon assumed his share would be covered, the mother refused, leading to a heated confrontation and her decision to pay only for herself.
In the second story, at a New Year’s Eve dinner with her fiancé Sam and his family, the woman faced an uncomfortable situation when none of them brought enough money to cover the bill. She stood firm on only paying for her portion, leading to accusations from Sam’s family and strain on their relationship.
The third story involves a financially comfortable woman and her friend Acie, who experienced financial woes. Despite Acie’s previous reliance on her, the woman expected to split the bill when they dined at a fine-dining restaurant. When Acie expected her to foot the entire bill due to her wealth, a rift formed between them.
In each scenario, what was meant to be a pleasant dining experience turned sour due to financial disagreements, highlighting the complexities of relationships and money.